VDay Canada

World's Worst Case of Domestic Violence

Australian wife butchers husband, cooks and served him to his children

Psychopathic Wife, Katherine Knight Kills Husband

The real-world female version of Hannibal Lecter.

This is a gruesome crime that was withheld from the people of Australia because of Extreme Feminists.

Watch the documentary below:

Katherine knights-Husband Killer-

Oprah show


200 Male Victims of sexual assault on OPRAH
1in 6 men are victims of sexual assault

Woman Cuts of Man's Penis

Anchorage woman cuts off boyfriend's penis, police say

ASSAULT: Wastewater worker retrieves organ from toilet; police rush it to surgeons who reattach it.

Anchorage News Daily, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., By ANNE AURAND

Surgeons reattached an Anchorage man's penis over the weekend after his girlfriend, apparently upset over a pending breakup, cut it off with a kitchen knife, Anchorage police said Sunday.

A city wastewater utility worker recovered the penis from a toilet down which the woman had flushed it. It was rushed to Providence Alaska Medical Center, where doctors performed reattachment surgery early Sunday morning, according to police reports.

Police said the knife attack occurred during an argument involving the 44-year-old man wanting out of the relationship. The woman drove the man to the hospital after the attack. Read more...

Study finds girls molest young boys


Researchers into sexual abuse by girls say female sexual offending is chronically under-reported and specialised rehabilitation programmes are urgently needed.

Findings released yesterday from New Zealand's first study into adolescent female sexual offending reported a "culture of denial" about female sexual offending, which allowed adolescent female abusers to molest young, usually male, victims without repercussion. Read More ..